Thursday, February 9, 2017

Black Magic II [Roblox]

Image result for roblox black magicHowdy everyone! How are y'all doing this lovely day? Let me know down below, I hope y'all are doing well! So today I am going to be talking about a rather touchy topic going around Black Magic, Black Magic II! So Qaeo made an announcement a while ago on the Black Magic group talking about how he's going to stop working on things for regular Black Magic and start working on Black Magic II. On the Black Magic Official Discord, Qaeo released some information to us about Black Magic II!

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Burden Carried Within [BM Roblox]

Howdy, if you do not know I am currently writing a story (a fan fiction based off of Black Magic). The story is about Bob, his origins and my own lore about him (me). Within the story I added some friends and some other people who wanted to be within the story. I am still writing it so please if you decide to read, expect a lot of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and mistakes in general. Nothing within the story is official BM lore, just my own fan made lore and story. I'm still writing the story so chances are that if you choose to read it you might see me typing it at the very bottom. I like opinions so please, leave any you have or possible suggestions! I will not post the story here due to personal and security reasons but I might post bits and pieces of the story on separate blog posts. Take care now, God loves you all! Take care and stay safe y'all.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Black Magic Factions [Roblox]

Image result for black magic roblox Will faction

Howdy everyone, in this post I will be talking about the three main factions and the two sub factions (currently) that I know of. If you don't know what factions are or what Black Magic is, then why are you here and again, why are you here. J-just get out if you don't even know half of why I'm talking about (Or you know, scroll down and read my other posts, hmm yes very good option that is). ANY WHO, quick summary, Black magic has three main factions: Power, Corruption, and Purity. The minor or sub factions are: Intellect and Will, I will talk about them later.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Inferno Black Magic [Roblox]

Me with Inferno
Howdy y'all! Today I will be talking about one of my personal favorite classes, Inferno! Inferno is a fire spartan with a red, black, orange, and yellow spear and shield. It can block (duh), it can charge, it can teleport, and it can unleash very deadly attacks. First off I will be talking about the shield of Inferno. On its lore card on Black Magic it is stated that the shield itself can withstand temperatures quadrillion (correct me if I'm wrong it could be more) times hotter than the sun. The shield has two attacks dedicated to it, Charging Bull and Block. Charging Bull is pretty straight forward, you put your shield in front of you then blast forward with fire trailing behind you. If you hit an enemy they will trip and either get dragged as you continue your Charging Bull attack or they will simply just get pushed off to the side. The end of Charging Bull results in a small fiery explosion around you, sending any enemy that was dragged with you or near you sliding back some and tripping.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Why I'm Bob [L.U]

Image result for lego universe mythran
L.U Mytharin
Howdy everyone, on this post I'll talk about a fairly simple thing that surprisingly a lot of people ask on Black Magic [Roblox], why my name is Bob. I want to start off saying that to those of you who have played Lego Universe in the past, get ready for a trip down memory lain. For all of you who do not know what Lego Universe is I will briefly explain now, Lego Universe was a Massive Multiplayer Online Game made by the company, Lego; the imagine to the left is not Bob, but is a Lego Universe Mytharin/Administrator. Once you've downloaded Lego Universe you would be meted by Bob standing in the bottom left corner doing different reactions to where your mouse went, running around, waving, and when ever you were typing in the username and password box Bob would look away and cover his eyes. Once you've logged in you would create your own character with a variety of hair, hat, shirt, pants, and face customization options.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Journal Entry

Not my Journal
This week has been rather odd and stressful one for me- don't get me wrong- I am very blessed to be in such an amazing school but that doesn't take the stress away from going to school. I've been asking people dumb questions all week because sometimes I actually like to feel like I know more than others. I know that's not true but it makes me happy to see people confused sometimes when I'm not.
English has been really nice lately, It's kind of hard though transitioning from Career Prep class to Creative Writing. I miss Career prep because we wouldn't really do all that much and sometimes watch shows (Under Cover Boss, Texas Flip and Move, etc) that have a little bit of financing stuff in it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Paladin Black Magic [Roblox]

Image result for black magic roblox
Howdy everyone, on this post I will be talking about Paladin and how it desperately is in need of a remake. If you play BM then you see how detailed and well scripted the new BM classes are, if you don't then that's okay; I will just tell you from my own experience that Paladin is very poorly made compared to the rest if the classes.
First off I will start with it's click attack, it only does 5-10 damage a hit if any at all. Sometimes it occasionally glitches out too, making my arm with the sword go everywhere and makes it really hard to hit anyone with it. Other than the click attack there are many things that need to be remade, like the class in general. As you can see in the picture it's plain and simple; a sword and shield. 
In most games a Paladin can heal, has a lot of armor, and usually has a mace and shield. Now please keep in mind before I get really deep into the faults of this class that it was made in the beginning of the game itself, it was good at that time but now is just out dated and under powered compared to the rest. Now I will begin to get really deep into its faults and such along with some replacement ideas.