Thursday, January 26, 2017

Black Magic Factions [Roblox]

Image result for black magic roblox Will faction

Howdy everyone, in this post I will be talking about the three main factions and the two sub factions (currently) that I know of. If you don't know what factions are or what Black Magic is, then why are you here and again, why are you here. J-just get out if you don't even know half of why I'm talking about (Or you know, scroll down and read my other posts, hmm yes very good option that is). ANY WHO, quick summary, Black magic has three main factions: Power, Corruption, and Purity. The minor or sub factions are: Intellect and Will, I will talk about them later.

Image result for black magic roblox factions
Corruption is viewed as mainly the villains or the bad guys of Black Magic while Power is mainly viewed as an organization filled with people who (says it in the name, golly) wants total power all throughout Earth. Power wants nothing more than world domination, Corruption wants nothing more than word death, and Purity (the faction I am in) focuses on getting rid of the Corruption at all costs and cleansing the world. If you like being all dark, mysterious, and down right edgy, I think corruption will suit you. Corruption's weapons are mainly black and purple and mostly focus on either blades or magic. If you like power (not the faction) and you like to be in control or have that urge to lead everyone and be like a dictator kind of person then Power is probably the best for you.
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Power's weapons are mostly high tech things, they use guns mostly but they also have things like swords too, they have very little magic and mainly focus on electronics, guns, or blades. Now, if you like to help others, like to be a protector, and generally just like life, then I think Purity is just for you. Now, don't get me wrong, if you have the characteristics of the other factions (in my opinion) then you can still join any faction you like, your will is your own and you ultimately make your own decisions. Purity's weapons are a combination of all the factions.
Image result for black magic roblox purity
Purity has electronics, magic, blades, ranged, and has the most healing weapons. Now that I have covered the three main factions I will talk about Will and Intellect, the two current sub factions for those who don't wish to choose one of the three. Will are the survivors of the great war that takes place within the war of Black Magic. In order for it to make sense let me tell you really fast about this war. The was was between Corruption and Purity, they fought each other over a misunderstanding (I will be making a post about the lore later on). During the war Power was formed as a group of survivors who wanted to try and end the great war. fast forward a (insert long number of years here) and the war ends with 59% (or so) of the world's population dead and Power slowing rising up. Power allies Purity in hopes of helping them finish off the corruption but then Power back stabs purity and tries to take Corruption's power to rule the world.

Some of the members of Power don't like this and decide it best to leave Power and stay with Purity. They themselves are not in purity, but they are allied to it (some aren't allied to Purity and some are). Okay, now that the history lesson is over I'm going to continue on about Will and Intellect. Will is just a bunch of survivors that tore themselves away from Power and are struggling to survive. Will's weapons have electronics, guns, and a little bit of magic here and there. Now that Will is out of the way I am going to talk about Intellect. Intellect is its own faction, it makes its own choices, but it associates mostly with Purity. The lore of Intellect is unknown to me but I do know is that they are Purity's scientists and have maid so far two classes within Black Magic for purity. These two classes both are high technical and are electronic based. That's all on factions for now! I might edit things as the game continues to grow! Thank y'all for reading, take care now!