Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Journal Entry

Not my Journal
This week has been rather odd and stressful one for me- don't get me wrong- I am very blessed to be in such an amazing school but that doesn't take the stress away from going to school. I've been asking people dumb questions all week because sometimes I actually like to feel like I know more than others. I know that's not true but it makes me happy to see people confused sometimes when I'm not.
English has been really nice lately, It's kind of hard though transitioning from Career Prep class to Creative Writing. I miss Career prep because we wouldn't really do all that much and sometimes watch shows (Under Cover Boss, Texas Flip and Move, etc) that have a little bit of financing stuff in it.

I was worried at first when I first got the news of my schedule change and that I would be moving out of that class but it's not as bad or as hard as I thought. My English teacher is really nice and funny, he makes tons of jokes and it honestly makes me look forward to his class most of the time. I am happy Creative Writing and English are in the same class, taught by the same teacher, and at the end of the day. That way I can always end my school day on a positive note at least!

Creating this blog was a Creative Writing project and to be honest I was pretty nervous at first, I don't like people knowing anything about me who I don't truly know and such, but it isn't that bad at all actually! I am actually enjoying this blog thing and being able to basically write about whatever I want here. I love Creative Writing for so many reasons, one of those reasons is that for homework most of the times all we need to do is write half of a page about our thoughts! That and right now as I am typing this I am typing it in the English classroom because this is my school work, to write!

I really love this class, the people in it, and my English teacher; everything in this class I love. I know people reading this probably don't know the real me, only the me they see on the internet or in class... lots of people probably don't know me truly except for a couple of friends. Most of the people on the internet think of me as just a helper or a friend (which I am okay with, it's just not all that I am), I bet some of them mostly think I just help out and that's all; that I don't truly have a life to live.

People in my school don't truly know me either, all the know is the outside me; who I show to be. They know probably as much as the people on the internet actually, if not more. It's impossible for any of us to truly know someone, to know how they live, what their life is like beyond what you see, what's inside, etc. No one can truly know unless you take the time to care.

Journal Entry 1. - Bob 1/18/17 

1 comment:

  1. Remember that we can only know of you what you show us. But I understand. I'm constantly in teacher / entertainer mode at school. Students tend to think I act like that at home, which just isn't the case. Also, thanks for all the kind words. I wished all my students enjoyed my class like you do.
