Monday, January 23, 2017

Inferno Black Magic [Roblox]

Me with Inferno
Howdy y'all! Today I will be talking about one of my personal favorite classes, Inferno! Inferno is a fire spartan with a red, black, orange, and yellow spear and shield. It can block (duh), it can charge, it can teleport, and it can unleash very deadly attacks. First off I will be talking about the shield of Inferno. On its lore card on Black Magic it is stated that the shield itself can withstand temperatures quadrillion (correct me if I'm wrong it could be more) times hotter than the sun. The shield has two attacks dedicated to it, Charging Bull and Block. Charging Bull is pretty straight forward, you put your shield in front of you then blast forward with fire trailing behind you. If you hit an enemy they will trip and either get dragged as you continue your Charging Bull attack or they will simply just get pushed off to the side. The end of Charging Bull results in a small fiery explosion around you, sending any enemy that was dragged with you or near you sliding back some and tripping.

Block is spoken in the name, you just put your shield up and Block. The shield will absorb 100% of the damage taken if it's melee. If it's magic or ranged then sometimes it will block it sometimes however it will not. As you block attacks the little bar in the bottom right corner will go down (allowing you to block a total of 4-5 times). If you thought that the block ended there you're wrong, there's more to it actually. If you manage to do a successful block then your shield will glow red as it damages the enemy that attacked you, no matter how far they are.
Now that the shield is out of the way I will go on to explain the rest of the class. Inferno has a simple three left click attack combo, the first click you do a slash from left to right, second is a simple stab in front of you, and the third and final click attack is you back in front of you with your shield. Inferno is a unique class, one of its four skills is actually just changing the click combo which I find really awesome. When you activate this skill (Flaming Spartan) your stance changes as seen in the picture below.
Flaming Spartan stance
Your first click will be you squatting down and stabbing in front of you multiple times as little bursts of fire shoot out of your spear, the second attack is that you do a spin damaging anyone around you with your spear, and the third is lunging your spear forward which causes a small explosion to happen at the tip of the blade. The bar then fully depletes after that attack and you go out of the stance.
The final skill of Inferno is a damaging teleport move (unsure of the name). On activation of the move you raise your spear up for a second and slash from the top left to the bottom right. Out of the slash a red phoenix pops out and flies forward dealing damage to any enemy in its path. While the phoenix is flying you can teleport to it by pressing the same skill key again, causing a giant explosion to happen around you dealing damage to any enemy near you. That's all for Inferno y'all, I hope if you ever play BM you'll enjoy it as much as me!


  1. Replies
    1. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, you have your own free will and I will not try to change it. P.S: Team Fortress 2 sucks.

    2. Well you like Overwatch and Overwatch is just a carbon copy of Team Fortress 2. Team Fortress 2 as well as Team Fortress Classic changed and revolutionized the team deathmatch genre and inspired Overwatch. Team Fortress created a whole genre of gaming and is still being played by thousand people across the world after 10 years of life.

    3. Who told you I like over watch? and if it were so good then why would they make it it free to play in order to get more players? Team Fortress 2 is yes indeed popular, but because it's free. Also, how can you say Black Magic sucks when you went on it for a total of only 5 minutes? You can't EVEN use Norra! That's like being an engineer and not being able to make a turrent that attacks! You can't even play Norra, that's how bad you are and then you quit, don't talk Brandon; go back to the ocean with all the salt is where you belong.

    4. You told me you like Overwatch. BM is super hard and unecissarily complicated. Free doesn't mean bad. If you got 1 million dollars for free would you complain?

    5. If someone gave you dark souls for free, would you play it or waste it? And you're right, free games aren't always bad, BM is also free. So thus you're right, some free games unlike Tf2 in my opinion are good. Dark souls is much harder than BM though and if you were given it for free you would probably just try it and give up considering that you tried using the easiest class and failed miserably.

  2. Black Magic is demonic and sorcery and witchcraft and not Jesus

  3. this post is cool and i will have to try playing this game one day

    1. Norra maining casual scrub lord edgy casual corrupted taco salad burrito dorito chip eating Norra casual!!1!11111 u lie.

  4. How do I get around the SHIELD? I've died so many times using AoS cause they never release the block. Any tips?

  5. o wait this is dead nvm
